Before Bed

We all know we shouldn’t go to bed with a full stomach. After a long day at work or school, our body needs a break from all the daily functions and your digestive system should be no exception to this. And eating fatty foods before bed can trigger heartburn which can disrupt your sleep.

But if you really have to eat, try to avoid spicy or sugary foods that can cause acid reflux and poor sleep.

Instead, go for something light that won’t drop your blood sugar level and make sure to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime for better sleep.

10 Foods High in Calories You Should Never Eat Before Bed


Pasta is one of the fattest foods you should avoid before going to bed hungry. It may sound like an easy fix if you’re hungry, especially since there are many pasta recipes that can be prepared in under 30 minutes but remember pasta is a rich source of carbohydrates that will turn into fat when you hit the bed.

Think about the sleep after eating pasta especially with the classic toppings full of cheese and oil. And the high glycemic index of this meal can cause blood sugar spikes which can disrupt your natural sleep cycle and prevent you from having deep sleep.

So if you want to have a good sleep, better avoid this fatty food before bedtime!


Who doesn’t love a big, juicy, delicious pizza? But this is far from being a light meal and your digestive system will have a hard time processing it during the day; try to imagine how hard it would be for your digestive organs to do that during the evening when they should rest.

Pizza is oily and has ingredients with high acidity so it increases the risk of heartburn which can disrupt your sleep. So eating pizza before bed might leave you feeling uncomfortable and poor sleep.


You are what you eat but did you know you also dream what you eat? Not literally but it’s a fact that fatty foods and sugary products (especially candy) affects your brain waves and can cause sleep disruptions and even nightmares.

So if you want to have a peaceful and relaxing sleep, pay attention to your eating habits especially before bedtime. Instead of reaching for junk food or sugary snacks as bedtime treats, go for oatmeal.

These alternatives are lighter, lower in calories and less likely to disrupt your body’s natural sleep health. By being mindful of your bedtime snacks and overall diet you can have better sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep disorders and weight gain in the long run.

Red Meat

You shouldn’t avoid red meat altogether since this is a good and nutritious source of protein and iron but eating a big, juicy steak before bed can disrupt your sleep patterns and prevent you from having that deep, relaxing and refreshing sleep we need after a long and stressful day.

For that deep-state deep sleep to occur, your body systems need to be at peace and this won’t happen if you eat red meat before bed.

Clinical research in sleep medicine has shown that eating heavy meals especially those with high protein like red meat before bed can cause sleep disruptions and weight gain in the long run.

And digestion of red meat can raise your body temperature and increase stomach acid production which can cause nighttime heartburn and discomfort that will further disrupt sleep. So it’s best to stop eating at least a few hours before bedtime and go for lighter and easier to digest foods to have better sleep.

Instead of heavy late night snacks like red meat go for alternatives like tart cherry juice which has natural compounds that can help promote sleep without disrupting your sleep patterns or causing discomfort. By being mindful of your bedtime food intake you can support healthier sleep habits and overall well-being.


Dark chocolate is good for brain health and memory due to its high content of antioxidants and flavonoids. But indulging in this treat especially before bed can be bad for your waistline and sleep patterns. While a small piece of chocolate can be a good dessert, many people struggle with moderation and end up overindulging and gain weight.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase heart rate and alertness making it hard for your body and mind to relax and unwind for sleep.

By going for a light snack instead of chocolate you can have better sleep quality and avoid the negative effects of caffeine on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

To have a good night sleep and maintain a healthy weight avoid late night snacking especially on foods high in caffeine and sugar like chocolate. Instead go for a light and nutritious snack that won’t disrupt your sleep patterns or compromise your health goals.


Vegetables are known for their great taste and nutrient profile but may not be the best choice if you’re going to bed soon especially for one reason: some vegetables like onions, broccoli or cabbage has high amount of insoluble fiber.

Fiber is good for digestive health and can make you feel full for longer periods of the day but eating fiber rich foods at night can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep.

Instead of going for a big meal or snacks with fiber rich vegetables at night go for lighter options that won’t interfere with your body’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

By making better food choices and avoiding certain foods close to bedtime you can have better sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day.

Any Kind Of Alcohol

Alcohol is notorious for its sleep disrupting effects and overall sleep health. It’s a sleep killer that can disrupt your natural sleep patterns and cause night sweats that will leave you feeling uncomfortable and restless throughout the night.

Also alcohol can cause multiple awakenings during the night and further reduce the quality of your sleep and total sleep time.

The effects of alcohol on sleep is more pronounced with beverages like wine which not only reduce sleep quality but also high in calories.

Drinking alcohol before bed can disrupt sleep patterns, reduce sleep duration and gain weight over time. Also alcohol can cause dehydration when you fall asleep and you’ll feel groggy and tired upon waking.


Like any other fatty and high calorie foods cheeseburgers should also be avoided before you go to bed because it can stimulate the natural production of acid in the stomach and cause heartburn at night just like some of the foods above.

This can cause discomfort and make it hard to have a good night sleep. So going for a lighter snack before bedtime can help you have better sleep.

Choose foods that are low in fat and acidity to prevent sleep disruptions and have a more restful night sleep. Also avoid spicy and acidic foods before bed to further reduce acid reflux and deeper sleep.

Making conscious choices with your evening snacks can contribute to better sleep health and overall well being.

Chilly Sauce

Chilly is a great addition to meals when paired with certain ingredients; but chilly sauce should be avoided before bedtime.

This condiment is high in calories and has proteins and slow burning carbohydrates that can be hard for your body to digest while you sleep.

Going for lighter options before bed can help you have better sleep and prevent sleep disruptions. By making conscious choices with your evening snacks you can have a restful night sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

Snacks And Chips

Processed snack foods should be avoided not only before bedtime but at all times because of its high monosodium glutamate content which is linked to various sleep disorders. Eating these snacks can disrupt your sleep patterns and poor sleep quality regardless of the time of day.

So go for healthier alternatives best foods to support better sleep and overall well being. By choosing nutritious snacks and avoiding processed foods you can have optimal sleep health and wake up feeling fresh every morning.


10 High Calorie Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

Q1: What are the 10 foods to avoid before bedtime?

A1: The 10 foods to avoid before bedtime are ice cream, pizza, fried foods, red meat, chocolate, especially dark chocolate and certain vegetables like onions, broccoli or cabbage. These foods are high in calories and fats and can disrupt your sleep.

Q2: Can I eat 1000 calories at night?

A2: Eating a lot of calories especially 1000 calories before bedtime is not recommended. Eating a heavy meal at night can cause indigestion, discomfort and may disrupt your sleep. Go for a lighter and balanced snack if you’re hungry before bedtime.

Q3: Can I eat 100 calories before bed?

A3: Eating a small 100 calorie snack before bed is acceptable as long as it’s a healthy and easy to digest option. Choose snacks like a small piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or a low fat yogurt to satisfy your hunger without overloading your digestive system.

Q4: Can I eat 200 calories before bed?

A4: 200 calories before bed is reasonable as long as it’s nutrient dense and easy to digest. Go for options like a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter or a small serving of cottage cheese with berries for a balanced and light evening snack.

Q5: What foods burn fat overnight?

A5: There’s no magic food that burns fat overnight but incorporating metabolism boosting foods like lean proteins, whole grains and vegetables in your diet can help with weight management. Focus on a balanced diet and overall healthy eating habits rather than relying on specific foods for overnight fat burning.

Q6: Can I eat banana at night?

A6: Yes, bananas can be a bedtime or night time snack too. They have magnesium and potassium that can relax muscles and regulate sleep. But moderation is key as eating too much can be uncomfortable.

Q7: Is bread okay to eat at night?

A7: Whole grain or whole wheat bread in moderation can be a bedtime snack. These options have complex carbohydrates that are slower to digest and can maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the night. Avoid too much and pair it with a protein source and it’s a balanced choice.


Choosing the right foods before bedtime can make a big difference in our sleep. Avoid high calorie foods that are hard to digest and can disrupt your sleep patterns and you’ll sleep better and wake up feeling fresh and renewed. Go for lighter and easy to digest snacks and drinks in the evening and your body will thank you in the morning!